Despite the advent of downloading (legal and ill-) and the more recent arrival of Spotify (a programme I have been using for most of this year and which I love wholeheartedly) and the myriad predictions of the death of the album format I still refuse to relinquish. I'm aware that I could save myself a large wodge of cash buy simply never buying anything again, but the collector inside me desires to have the little plastic cases stored neatly on a shelf in front of me. I like having the artwork, the case, the physical signifier that I own this piece of art. I'm aware that this is seen as bemusing to anyone over the age of 40, including my father, who has never loved the CD sleeve, seeing no merit in the scaled-down, poor-relation to the vinyl sleeve. But hey, I was raised with the CD, this is what I know.
Anyway, on to what I intended to write about before I was characteristically sidetracked - what I have been buying, and listening to, recently.

First up The Beatles. I have always been disinterested in the Fab Four a mixture of over-familiarity with their most famous material, which without trying is so easy to achieve due to their omni-presence in media and culture alongside the fact that with not growing up with any of their records in our home. I did listen to my brother's copy of the '1' album in my teenage years a couple of times but again, because I already knew the tracks I found it hard to get into (I like having to get to know songs on an album, and as a rule of thumb the albums I know least of when I buy tend to work out as my favourites). I just was never interested.

This last week I have also been listening to:
Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
Kings of Convenience - Riot on an Empty Street
The Fall - This Nation's Saving Grace
Little Richard - Here's Little Richard
and, a lovely mixtape made by a lovely someone!