Sunday, 7 June 2009

Come back soon!

I love the Fiery Furnaces, very very much, and having been spoilt by their previously incredible output rate - 5 albums in their first 4 years, these days I struggle to cope now that their release schedule has fallen in line with most other bands - i.e. one album every two years.

Anyway it appears (they're not very good at announcing these things, even on their own website) that the next album 'I'm Going Away' will be in the shops in July, so in excitment and anticipation here are a couple of their previous singles.

'Duplexes of the Dead' from their last album 'Widow City'

'Tropical Ice-Land' from their debut record 'Gallowbird's Bark'

1 comment:

  1. Tropical Iceland would probably be on my list of 100 favourite songs, if I made such lists.
